Thursday, May 12, 2016

Up Sizing a Party Dress

A few months ago after posting my party dress for #heartsforheartsgirls, I received a request to make the look for #AmericanGirlDoll Grace and her girl.

While I don't have the girl's look done yet, as it takes measurements I haven't received.  I have made progress on the other look.

Two prototypes later, I have a pattern and two dresses my nieces will enjoy. 

The first prototype was made in a purple flowered cotton.  The goal was to test fit of my first pattern draft, but when I was finished I was left thinking it looked cute on its own. 

The second prototype was made in a pink cotton with butterflies on it.  The goal was to test the changes I'd made to the pattern.  It also turned out to be a cute dress, which left me thinking about putting velcro down the back and giving it to Hailey or Kayley

This got me thinking about the first prototype and if maybe I could hand finish the armholes and neckline and they could enjoy it as well.  In the process I ended up deciding to lower the neckline a bit more as well.

After all this, I think I'm ready to finally dig out the purple and sheer fabric. 

Curious about the look?  Watch Flickr for pictures of both prototypes and the end result.  And watch for pictures of the end result. 

Before long I hope to get the girls look drafted as well. 

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