Thursday, January 28, 2021

A Barbie Valentine

A few weeks ago, I turned around at church and into my view came the most adorable little girls.  Seeing them sitting there with their dad reminded me of when my favorite niece and I started attending the church a couple weeks after the memorial service for my college sweetheart fourteen years earlier.  

My story gave my favorite niece an idea.  And this project was started.   

Using #Simplicity 4719 view C and some #Valentine fabric I found while unpacking in my new workshop, two dresses emerged. 

#Simplicity 4719 view C is a strapless princess line short dress. 

The first dress was made from a pink cotton with white hearts in a flower arrangement print. 

The second dress was made from a white cotton with a pink heart print. 

For the picture,  my tall fashionista #Barbie modeled one of the dresses putting in her first appearance on the blog. 

To see how these dresses turned out,  check out 

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