Monday, October 6, 2014

Little Red Hoodie

While Christmas shopping at my local Target store, I had a fun find of #HeartsforHeartsgirls Dell.  The picture of Dell on the box reminds me of my niece, so of course its like perfect for Christmas.

Last year, I made her #AmericanGirlDoll Kaylie a red fleece hoodie jacket so she could stay warm.

So I was thinking that if Dell is about to become Kaylie's little sister (don't tell - Christmas surprise), then perhaps she also needed a red hoodie jacket.

Since Dell is a smaller doll, I used a red felt.  I resized the pattern from the original jacket and then played with fit until I had it right.

In the center back between the hood and the jacket, I left part of the seam undone and instead finished the edges to form an opening for the dolls hair to slip between, so that the hood could be worn and fit properly.  This was not an issue for Kaylie as she has short hair, but Dell's is longer. 

Since Dell is a present and I'm not opening the box, Zelia is modeling the look for me. 

Check out the pictures at and Flickr.

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